We had a fabulous and full of fun week. Thank you for your attendance to parents day. We are excited much and had fun with you. Children was proud of themselves for their nice work. We are a good and big team of all. I will share photos and videos of nice moments from that day.
Preschool 3 were singing rise and shine song for their parents
Preschool 3のみんなとお家の方と一緒に”rise and shine song”をうたいました
This is our favorite weather song
みんなが大好きなweather song
Language and Art exploration
The Letter was Ss. This week we identified sounds and words that starts with Ss. We read letter Ss book. We did letter Ss worksheet and chalkboard tracings. We also made snowman from scrap paper and we draw spinners with pastel chalk.
Words: Snowman, skunk, sun, spaghetti, smile, six, snake, spider, strawberry, star.
先週の文字はSsでした。Ssで始まる単語や音を学び、”letter Ss book”を読みました。それからSsの書き取りワークシートやボードでなぞり書きの練習をしました。ちぎり紙で”snowman”を作ったり、色チョークでグルグル巻きをお絵かきしました。
単語: Snowman, skunk, sun, spaghetti, smile, six, snake, spider, strawberry, star.
先週の文字はSsでした。Ssで始まる単語や音を学び、”letter Ss book”を読みました。それからSsの書き取りワークシートやボードでなぞり書きの練習をしました。ちぎり紙で”snowman”を作ったり、色チョークでグルグル巻きをお絵かきしました。
単語: Snowman, skunk, sun, spaghetti, smile, six, snake, spider, strawberry, star.
The letter of the week was Ss 今週の文字はSsでした |
Reading letter Ss book Ss bookを読んでいます |
We like to read our weekly letter books |
みんなweekly letter booksを読むのが大好きです
The weather was sunny and outside reading
with Ss for Sunglasses
We wore our sunglasses and we were ready for drawing spinners Sunglassesをかけてグルグル描きの準備をします |
Wow! Look at my spinners |
Students are working on scrap paper snowman craft snowmanの工作をしています |
We like to make a messy craft 自由に作る工作は楽しい! |
What a cool students with snowman and sunglasses |
Snowman craft |
We continued our inquiry unit, Where We Are in Place and Time.This week, we focused on various types of houses. We discussed reasons of different types of houses (regional, climate, etc.). We checked world map and saw equator line, then we choose three places with hot, 4 season and cold climates. They were North pole, central Africa and Japan. House types were Igloo, stick house and concrete house.
Children were divided into three groups and built their choice house with parents. Thanks to our parents for their help at building houses with children. Everybody used their own imagination without looking a sample and we got unique designed houses.
”Where We Are in Place and Time-私たちはどんな場所や時代に生きているか”の単元学習を引き続き行っています。今週は様々な種類のお家に焦点を当ててみました。みんなで地方や気候による住宅事情の違いについて話しました。まず、地図で赤道を確認して、暑い地域と四季がある地域、寒い地域の3つの地域(北極と中央アフリカと日本)を選びました。それぞれ、イグルーという氷で作られているお家、枝などの木材で作られているお家、コンクリートで作られているお家です。
”Where We Are in Place and Time-私たちはどんな場所や時代に生きているか”の単元学習を引き続き行っています。今週は様々な種類のお家に焦点を当ててみました。みんなで地方や気候による住宅事情の違いについて話しました。まず、地図で赤道を確認して、暑い地域と四季がある地域、寒い地域の3つの地域(北極と中央アフリカと日本)を選びました。それぞれ、イグルーという氷で作られているお家、枝などの木材で作られているお家、コンクリートで作られているお家です。
Concrete house group used their up muscles for squeezing paper clay |
Stick group was working carefully with chopsticks 木のお家チームは串先に気を付けて作業していました |
Igloo group was working with great focus. イグルーハウスチームは集中して作業していました |
"Concrete house, made of concrete and it is for four seasons コンクリートハウスは四季がある地域に対応しているんだね! |
"Igloo, made of ice cubes and it is for freezing climate" イグルーハウスは氷点下の地域で氷を使って建てられているんだね |
"Stick house is made of sticks and it is for hot climate" 枝などの木々で作られているお家は、暑い地域のお家だね |
Igloo group |
Stick house group |
Concrete house group |
Center Time
During our center time, children were divided into groups to play puzzles and tracing alphabet on the salt tray and using alphabet stamp and making pattern from pool noodles.
Aim of center time is developing team work skills of children.
Pattern center |
Puzzle center |
Tracing at salt center |
Alphabet stamp center |
Earthquake Drill
This time, we practiced earthquake drill at our gym. We got the sign during children were playing. Everybody showed well behavior and they followed all the directions quickly and they protected their heads with their arms. Finally we evacuated gym safe.
We gather middle of the gym ジムの真ん中に集まります |
We evacuated the gym immediately ジムから速やかに避難しました |
Well done everyone みんなとっても良くできましたね |
On Wednesday, we celebrated Yui"s birthday!
Next Week
* Our letter will be Tt (We will eat tangerine, Tt is for tangerine).
* Inquiry "Where we are place and time - Celebrating our differences - Different foods of countries" We will have some cooking activity, we will share ingredients later.
* We will continue to learn about ABBA pattern.
* On Friday, we are going to watch "My neighbor Totoro" in English for language activity.
Tt is for Totoro. We will eat some snacks (Popcorn, pringles, potato chips, etc)
If you have any concern about activity, please contact with us.
*来週の文字はTtです。("Tt is for tangerine."にちなんでtangerine-ミカンを食べる予定です。)
*探求の時間は "Where we are place and time - Celebrating our differences - Different foods of countries" "私たちはどんな場所や時代に生きているか-それぞれの違いをお祝いしよう-国による食べ物の違いについて"
*引き続きのABBAのパターン学習を行います。*金曜日には"Tt is for Totoro"にちなんで"My neighbor Totoro-となりのトトロ"の英語版をアクティビティの一環として観たいと思います。ポップコーン、プリングルス、ポテトチップスなどを食べながら、ムービーを観る予定です。
* Name tracing worksheet and missing letter in my name worksheet
* Letter Ss tracing worksheet and finding Ss words
* Letter Ss book, please read weekly books with your child and listen them.
* Please send all these homeworks on Monday.
*お子様にLetter Ss bookを読んでもらってください。
*お子様にLetter Ss bookを読んでもらってください。
Links we loved
Letter S song 1:
Letter S song 2:
Letter S song 3:
Jolly phonics song A to Z:
Itsy bitsy spider song:
Important Dates
12/1 Evacuation drill (Earthquake)
12/21 End of Fall term
12/22 - 1/6 Winter break
12/29 - 1/4 School closed
12/1 地震の避難訓練
12/21 秋学期終了
12/22-1/6 冬休み
12/29-1/4 閉校
12/1 地震の避難訓練
12/21 秋学期終了
12/22-1/6 冬休み
12/29-1/4 閉校
Have a wonderful week.