Sunday, 9 December 2018

How Do Plants and Animals Help Us?

Week 14: Sharing the Planet: How do plants and animals help us?

How are we dependent upon plants and animals?

Directly or indirectly, plants and animals provide food, clothing, fuel, shelter, and many other necessities of life.

It's amazing how these kids were able to name most of the things that plants and animals give us.


Students presented their pet's home after finishing it.

What are the things the plants and animals provide us?

We all share things on the planet. Plants, animals, and people. All benefit from each other.

Group activity: 

Brainstorming the things we get from plants and animals.

Morning Circle: 


Small, medium and large.

How big are your feet?


This week's letter is the letter Tt and its sound. T for Tiger.

Vocabulary words: 

table, tap, ten, tent, tiger, and tub.

Snack and free-play: 

Morning and Afternoon Recess:

Japanese Lesson: 


Closing Circle:  

Celebrating Kei's birthday!

Group Star winner!

Superstar of the week!