Monday, 4 March 2019

Numeracy and Science Week

Week 8: Numeracy and Science Week

Numeracy and Science week was designed to engage students and to have some fun.

This week, students get the chance to try and explore different kinds of science experiments. 


For our inquiry, we go over our Year - End Performance and the students shared about their experience and what they felt during the day. Majority of the class said they were happy because of their mom, dad and baby sister being there while 2 students felt shy seeing their parents and grandmother watching. 

Morning Circle:



We played and reviewed all letters and its sound.

Morning and Afternoon Recess:


We learned about Prepositions and reviewed the color, sizes, and shapes.



Our last and final cooking for this school year. Brownies!!!

Closing Circle:

Group Star winner!
Our Superstar for this week!