April 23: Welcome to Pre3 class blog! プリスクール3クラスブログにようこそ!
Welcome to our Preschool 3 Class Blog for the 2017-2018 school year! Please follow this blog to know what we are learning each day. I will post weekly about our class activities and keep you informed about upcoming events and important notices.
Welcome to our Preschool 3 Class Blog for the 2017-2018 school year! Please follow this blog to know what we are learning each day. I will post weekly about our class activities and keep you informed about upcoming events and important notices.
We completed our first two weeks with freshest students of Horizon Preschool 3, day by day I can see that they are adjusting to new school environment and learning new things. I am excited to see their development through the year.
We completed our first two weeks with freshest students of Horizon Preschool 3, day by day I can see that they are adjusting to new school environment and learning new things. I am excited to see their development through the year.
Lets take a look at our week.
以下これまでの活動のご報告です。Lets take a look at our week.
Morning Meeting 朝の集まり
Morning Meeting is an engaging way to start each day, build a strong sense of community, and set children up for success socially and academically. Each morning, students and teachers gather together in a circle for twenty to thirty minutes and interact with one another during four purposeful components:
- Greeting: Students and teachers greet one other by name and practice offering hospitality.
- Group Activity: Everyone participates in a brief, lively activity that fosters group cohesion and helps students practice social and academic skills (for example, reciting a poem, dancing, singing, or playing a game that reinforces social or academic skills).
Measurement and Emergency drill 身体測定と防災訓練
On Wednesday the school nurse took the students' growth measurements and on Friday we had our first earthquake evacuation drill.
12日水曜日には保健室の先生を主体に身体測定を行い、14日金曜日には今年度最初の防災訓練を行いました。On Wednesday the school nurse took the students' growth measurements and on Friday we had our first earthquake evacuation drill.
Encouraging Cooperative Play 相互協力を促す遊びを通して
By definition, cooperative play involves the division of efforts among children in order to reach a common goal. This is not an innovative idea, though one might think so given grading systems and sports rankings that seem more concerned with where children stand among their peers. Competitive play involves “winners” and “losers.” Cooperative play is concerned with solving a problem by working together to achieve a common goal. In cooperative play, everybody wins.
Play is how young children learn. Through play, children develop the skills they need to expand their physical, emotional, social, and cognitive abilities. In effect, play = learning. 「相互協力を促す遊び」とは、子供達が共通の目的の達成のために互いに協力する活動を指して言います。大抵の学校では成績を付ける際やスポーツで順位を付ける際に特定の子が仲間うちでどの位置にいるのか、という他の子供との比較に重点を置いていますが、相互協力を促す遊びにおいては共通の目的のために子供達が共に協力し合って問題を解決することに焦点が当てられます。勝ち負けでの問題ではなく、参加者皆が主役なのです。子供達の身体的、精神的、社会的、また認知的能力は遊びを通して発達していきます。子供達にとって遊ぶことはまさしく学ぶことなのです。
By definition, cooperative play involves the division of efforts among children in order to reach a common goal. This is not an innovative idea, though one might think so given grading systems and sports rankings that seem more concerned with where children stand among their peers. Competitive play involves “winners” and “losers.” Cooperative play is concerned with solving a problem by working together to achieve a common goal. In cooperative play, everybody wins.
Play is how young children learn. Through play, children develop the skills they need to expand their physical, emotional, social, and cognitive abilities. In effect, play = learning. 「相互協力を促す遊び」とは、子供達が共通の目的の達成のために互いに協力する活動を指して言います。大抵の学校では成績を付ける際やスポーツで順位を付ける際に特定の子が仲間うちでどの位置にいるのか、という他の子供との比較に重点を置いていますが、相互協力を促す遊びにおいては共通の目的のために子供達が共に協力し合って問題を解決することに焦点が当てられます。勝ち負けでの問題ではなく、参加者皆が主役なのです。子供達の身体的、精神的、社会的、また認知的能力は遊びを通して発達していきます。子供達にとって遊ぶことはまさしく学ぶことなのです。
Physical Education 体育の授業
Early childhood is the ideal time for acquiring fundamental movement skills because it is during this unique period that children build the basic movement abilities that are the foundation for learning more complex movement skills later in life. Motor skills do not mature on their own (Pica 2008). Not even basic body management skills—body-part identification, spatial awareness, and abilities like stopping on signal—take care of themselves to the extent that we’d want for children. Adults need to offer instruction
and provide opportunities for children to practice their growing skills.
幼児期は基礎的な運動能力を身に付けるのにまさに最適な時期と言えます。この特別な時期に子供達は後々に成長してより複雑な運動をする際に必要な能力の基礎を身につけます。運動能力は放っておいて育つものではありません(引用:ピカ 2008年)体を動かす基礎的な能力だけでなく、体の部分を認識する能力や空間把握能力、信号で止まるといった能力など、我々大人が子供に自分でできるようになって欲しいと考える能力が含まれています。大人の役割は子供の能力が引き出されるような機会を提供し、方向性を示すことなのです。
Stories and poems can help children grow. Stories and poems can:
* help develop language;
* help develop children's imagination;
* help children cope with stress;
* provide a break from daily routines;
* help children relax;
* teach children about themselves and their worlds;
* help build children's interests and create new ones;
* help children think, make decisions, form judgments, and values; and
* teach children about art through picture book illustrations.
* help develop children's imagination;
* help children cope with stress;
* provide a break from daily routines;
* help children relax;
* teach children about themselves and their worlds;
* help build children's interests and create new ones;
* help children think, make decisions, form judgments, and values; and
* teach children about art through picture book illustrations.
Link we loved to use
Hello song
CleanUp song
One Little Finger