Tuesday, 17 July 2018

First Term End Party

Week 12: Celebrating Children's Achievements Great and Small

Celebrating students achievement great and small boost their self-esteem. Giving them a simple acknowledgment for all the everyday things they succeed at and do so well can reinforce resilience and self-esteem in immeasurable ways.

They've all worked hard towards the end of the first term, as a treat, we gave them a "Cream Soda Party." 


We end our "Who We Are" unit of inquiry by assessing and describing ourselves.


Summer is here. Time to get wet!


And we're done!

Morning Circle: 

Snack and Free-play: 

Morning and Afternoon Recess: 


Closing Circle:

Our Superstar this week!

First Term is over, which means it's time to bring on summer. 

Just because the school's out, it doesn't mean that the fun early learning has to stop. 
What are your summer plans? Any ideas? Suggestions? 

Here are some engaging summer activities that your child might enjoy while out of school. Try out at least few of these ideas for you and your child to do together.

1. Pick your own... whatever. Find a farm with blueberries, strawberries, tomatoes, flowers, etc., and get picking.

2. Play outside in the rain. Smell the rain on the pavement; splash in puddles; make mud pies.

3. Make your own rain. Douse everyone with the hose or sprinkler.

4. Cook out... frequently. Go beyond the burgers. Try veggies or fish. The kids might like them more if they come off the grill.

5. Make "smores." Chocolate + marshmallow + graham cracker = summer.

6. Camp out. First-timers, try backyard camping.

7. Camp in. Put the sleeping bags on the floor and have a family slumber party.

8. Stargaze. Invite friends and make a party of it.

9. Catch lightning bugs. And then watch them flicker away into the night.

10. Take family naps together. Parents can snooze too!

11. See an air show. And hope for no crashes.

12. Stop to smell the flowers. (Go to a botanical garden.)

13. Talk to the animals. (Go to the zoo.)

14. Get wet. (Go to a water park.)

15. Play a card game.