Our tongue can have 2,000-8,000 taste buds on it.
Fun fact: There are four kinds of taste receptors on the tongue - bitter, sweet, salt and sour.
Children develop taste preferences based on what they are fed when they're in the early years of their lives. Helping them think about which tastes they do and do not prefer, however, will encourage them to try new foods and/ or new combinations of foods.
Tasting and guessing.
Discovering different kinds of taste receptors: bitter, sweet, salt and sour.
Morning Circle:
We jump as we say the number. We traced and colored 7 leaves.
Snack and free-play:
The last letter for this term is Hh and its sound. H for House.
Vocabulary words: hat, hamster, helicopter, hen, horse, and house.
Morning and Afternoon Recess:
P. E.
New words learned: "Skittles" and "Scooter board".
We celebrated Mahoro's birthday.