Sunday, 24 February 2019

The Fruit of Our Labor: Year End Performance

Week 7: How to Express Ourselves: How Does it Impact the Lives of Others Around Us?

Immersing young kids in arts helps them find a powerful tool for self-expression, uncover strength and deepen the connection. 

Artistic passion is second nature for young children. They draw and paint eagerly, sing unselfconsciously, choreograph their own dances and act out dramas using props/toys.

We don't a lot of creative outlets to express our reactions or emotions. Best way to express ourselves or what is downright therapeutic is to channel them into art.

Dress Rehearsal:

Performance for young children benefits them and teaches them the value of perseverance and practice. It motivates, engages and excites them over many weeks and increases energy in the classroom. 

It also develops their ability to work with a team and to be flexible when there are inevitable changes and to be professional. 

Yes, you heard me right! At this age, these kids are already showing professionalism. I heard a story backstage in one of our rehearsals when this boy cried when his friends played and pressed his hands hard that somehow hurt him. He rubbed his eyes and wiped his tears away and said, "I need to stop crying 'coz our turn is coming next." And when they're out on stage, I didn't even realize something happened backstage since he played it well. He was out all smiles as if nothing's happened. 

We've discussed once, that no matter what happens, "The show must go on." And they did! They handled it well and professionally.

And they came up with these rules. 

Meanwhile in the waiting room. They all deserved a big high five for a job well done during our final dress rehearsal!

The performance didn't come quickly or easily. As a celebration for their learning that fills them with a sense of accomplishment and pride, with consistent effort. The result was outstanding.

Please enjoy the videos and the scolding . . .

 . . . and scolding. :)

what we have to go through . . .

Practice makes perfect, but the truth is, I need to be strict and be serious for them to be challenged and for them to take it seriously. 

It's tough but all our hard work has paid off.

A bunch of cuties!!!

Teamwork and cooperation is the key! Fighting!


They were asked where they want to do their best or at least improved themselves.  Some say, "I wanna do my best in dancing" while others said, "I wanna do my best in singing." It's good to hear that at this age, they are already self-driven.

Closing Circle:

A well-deserved prize! Everyone worked so hard and they all claimed to get a star! Great job Preschool 3! You did it!!!

Our Superstars this week!