Sunday, 9 July 2017

July 7

Japanese Culture Day

We celebrated Japanese Culture Day, which was special day of the month, on Friday.
Children participated in various activities and our PTA and volunteer parents spend great effort for the day. We are grateful for their performance.
All the children and teachers of ELC wore colorful yukata's. It was a nice cultural event for all aspects. You may see memories below:


Children prepared their wish papers (短冊 tanzaku) at home and hang them to bamboo stick at school. It was nice to see their cute wishes, we wish that their wishes will be answered well. 

Children also played nagashi soumen game and fully filled their stomach with cold noodle and grapes.
Nagashi soumen is traditional noodle catching event, the noodles are placed in long flume of bamboo while clear and ice cold water is flowing. As the sōmen pass by, diners pluck them out with their chopsticks.


Children also decorated their paper fans which carried their photos.

Volunteer story teller visited our class and she sang traditional songs with children. 