Saturday, 13 October 2018

Modes of Transportation

Week 7: How the World Works: Modes of Transportation

What's your little favorite transportation system? Buses, boats, and trains! These are just a few of the many modes of transportation. 

There are many modes of transportation that allow us to move from one part of the world to another, and learning about them is one of the first things that children do as soon as they start communicating.

Talking about transportation is important for children's language development and their general knowledge. 

This week, students learned about different modes of transportation and identified them either "Land Transporation", "Water Transportation" or "Air Transporation."


Creating their own modes of transportation.

Morning Circle / Practice: 


Learning about Patterns.


Learning about letter Nn and its sound. N for Nest.

Vocabulary words: neck, nest, net, nine, nose, and nuts. 

Snack and free-play: 

Japanese Lesson: 


Closing Circle:

Celebrating Hana's birthday!

Group Star 

Our Superstar this week!