Thursday, 22 November 2018

Literacy Week / How to Plant

Week 11: Sharing the Planet: How to Plant

Why do we celebrate Literacy Week? 

Every year, the school celebrates "Literacy Week" to draw attention to the importance of literacy. It is celebrated internationally to encourage people towards getting a continuous education and understand their responsibilities for the family, society and the country.


Patience is a virtue. But how do we teach children to be patient? 

Gardening is one way to teach children about patience, not only that, it gives children a responsibility. Also, it encourages an attitude of conservation and respect for nature. Though gardening with children is downright fun, children are natural born explorers who find joy in the simple pleasures of planting seeds.

"A garden is a grand teacher" according to the British horticulturist and garden writer, Gertrude Jekyll. According to him, it teaches patience and careful watchfulness; it teaches industry and thrift; above all, it teaches entire trust.

These are just a few of the character traits that all parents want their children to gain. 

During the week, we invited Ms. Ikeda San to show and teach children how to plant. Students have enjoyed and gained some knowledge through this activity, and so do I.

Morning Circle: 


This week, we learned about letter Qq and its sound. Q for Quilt.

Vocabulary words: 

quail, queen, question, queue, quiet, and quilt.

Snack and free-play: 

Morning and Afternoon Recess:

Japanese Lesson: 

Literacy Week: 
 Day 1: Exchange Activity with Unison 

Day 2: Exchange Activity with Penguin International School

Day 3: Book Cover

Day 4: Kindergarten Role-play

Day 5: Dress Up Parade, Picnic Lunch and Reading Buddy with Primary 

Picture and Letter Game:

Reading Star Galaxy:

These wouldn't be possible without the parent's support and cooperation. Thank you and we all appreciate your hard work!

Story from our Guest Reader:

We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to all parents who came and read books to our children. We appreciate your continuous support!

Closing Circle:  

We thank and said goodbye to Ayumi Chan for helping and playing with us. She is our Junior Student Assistant.

Superstar of the week!