Sunday, 16 December 2018

How Do Animals Provide for Us and Other Living Things? / Aquarium Trip

Week 15: Sharing the Planet: How do animals provide for us and other living things?

Interdependence, pollination, decompose, food chain and food web. These are the words that the students learned this week and truth be told may not be able to remember at this early age but somehow these students demonstrated an understanding of how we are all connected in the great circle of life.


Morning Circle: 


Measurements! This is long. This is short.


This week's letter is the letter Uu and its sound. U for Umbrella.

Vocabulary words: 

udder, umbrella, under, underwater, underwear, and up.

Snack and free-play: 

Morning and Afternoon Recess:

Japanese Lesson: 

Aquarium Trip:

Another wonderful learning experience for Preschool 3 as we visit the Umino-Mori Aquarium.

Dead tired. It's been a long day for Preschool 3.

Closing Circle:

Group Star winner!

Superstar of the week!