Monday, 11 February 2019

What Are The Ways To Express Ourselves

Week 5: How to Express Ourselves: What Are The Ways To Express Ourselves? 

Being creative doesn't just help children express themselves. Fostering creativity won't either increase the chances of becoming the next Picasso or Michael Angelo but you're helping them develop mentally, socially and emotionally.

When children create something and they feel good while they are creating, it helps them boost self-confidence. 


Provide every single opportunity for children to grow, flourish and have the skills that they need.

Let them create in their own way and own pace. Children will be better off in the long run if they are allowed to be in the moment and express themselves.

Painting like Michael Angelo. But we have our own version - "drawing".

Drawing under the table.

Our future artist in the making.



This week's letter is the letter Yy
 and its sound. Y for Yo-yo.

Vocabulary words: 

yacht, yarn, yawn, yellow yogurt, and yo-yo.

Moral Lesson: 


Closing Circle: 

Celebrating Sakura's Birthday!

Group Star winner!