Sunday 24 September 2017

Field Trip:

On Thursday, September 14th, we went to Manyokurieto Park for a field trip with our ELC friends and parent volunteers. The weather was shiny and the children enjoyed the day with playing and exploring the park. Activity of the day was sliding down the giant artificial grass slide. Also children enjoyed exploring the park, they collected acorn during pond visit. They sang songs and rolled over the grasses. It had a great experience for autumn coming. We ate lunch with everybody and children continue to play at roller slide. We have a special thanks to our volunteer parents, they helped us along the day, we had an enjoyable day, thanks them so much.

Upcoming Event Sport Day:

Sports day preparations are ongoing with great effort in our class. Children use their all power for the day and we prepare various activities.  We expect your help for this event which will be a first sports day experience for Preschool 3. Please have conversation with your children and encourage them. We are looking forward to see everybody on the field. 

As you may know some students have elder siblings in school, we arranged teams to let siblings compete together. We will share team rosters at below and if you will have any concerns, please contact with us. 

This week We celebreted Kanato and Hayuko 4th birthday in our classroom.
Happy Birthday Kanato and Hayuko.

Language Exploration:

  • We learned uppercase and lowercase Jj and sound. 大文字と小文字のJと発音を学びました。 
  • We practiced letter Jj writing. 大文字と小文字のJの書き方を学びました。
  • We read letter Jj book together and we did coloring inside the book. Jの文字に関する本を読み、色塗りをしました。
  • Children made Jj is for Jellyfish craft with paper bowl and paper tape. We decorated our class with them. They all seem wonderful. 子供たちはJから始まるJelly fish(クラゲ)の工作をしました。紙皿と紙テープを使って装飾をしました。皆素晴らしい出来でした。
  • Jj vocabulary: jellyfish,jam,juice,jeep,jacket,jelly,jungle,January,June and July. アルファベットJからはじまる単語を覚えました。