Sunday, 15 October 2017

October 11-13

Since Monday was national and Tuesday was make up holidays, we had a three days school week. First of all, while sports day discussions, we saw that all students were proud of themselves. In this short and busy week, we focused on sharing the planet topic in inquiry. We focused of letter Ll in language exploration.
10月9日(月)は祝日、10日(火)は運動会の振替休日のため今週の登園日は3日間のみでした。登園初日に運動会を終えた後の感想を聞いたところ皆自分たちがよく頑張ったと誇りに思っている様子でした。3日間という短く慌ただしい日程の中で「共に分かち合う地球(Sharing the planet)」という課題研究を進めてまいりました。言語学習の時間にはアルファベットLの学習をしました。

Language Exploration 言語の学習

Last week, we focused on letter Ll,..
  • We learned uppercase and lowercase Ll and sound. Lの大文字と小文字と発音の学習をしました。
  • We practiced letter Ll writing. Lの書き方の練習をしました。
  • We read letter Ll book together and we did coloring inside the book. Lの文字に関する本を一緒に読み、色ぬりをしました。
  • We did letter Ll white board tracing and worksheet ホワイトボードやプリントを使ってLの文字をなぞって練習しました。
  • Ll vocabulary: Lemon. lamb, ladybug, lion, lollipop, leaf, light, ladder. Lから始まる単語:Lemon(レモン). lamb(仔羊), ladybug(てんとう虫), lion(ライオン), lollipop(ペロペロキャンディー), leaf(葉), light(光・電気)), ladder(梯子).
  • Craft of the week was lemon. Children colored paper plates with yellow. They placed their photos on plates. 今週の工作はLから始まるレモンでした。紙皿を黄色に塗り、それぞれの顔写真を貼りました。

Inquiry 課題研究

We did detailed and quick introduction to our second topic, sharing the planet. We started subtopic named what living things need to grow. Central idea of this subtopic is living things have: certain needs in order to grow and stay healthy. 

Lines of Inquiry 課題研究の流れ

We will evaluate the topic with following manners:

What is planet? 惑星って何?
How to share planet with other living things? 他の生物とどのように地球を分かち合うの?
Our needs and the needs of other living things. 人間と他の生命に必要なものは?
Observable characteristic of living things. 生き物の生態を観察する
The needs of living things. 生き物には何が必要なの?
How living things change through their life. 生き物は一生を通してどう変わるの?

We focused on "What is the planet" and "How to share planet with other living things?" in this week. 
We mentioned about earth, sun and moon. The Earth is the only planet that has water which occupies 70% of it. The Earth is the only known life-form owner planet in solar system. The Sun is at the center of solar system and it is a star. Although There are larger stars, the sun is the closest one and it looks larger. The Sun is heat and light source of our planet. The Moon is satellite of the earth and it reflects light from sun in the night. Children made the earth, the moon and the sun schematic and we hang it to school corridor.
We discussed how to protect the earth and they promised how to do. Then they made a craft and wrote their promises on it. We decorated our class display with these crafts. Please check photos for details. We discussed water and energy saving and they got used to close tap after washing their hands and turning off light while leaving class. Please practice saving with your child at home.


Next week:
We will learn about letter Mm.
We will continue to talk about sharing the planet and living things-plants.
Special activity: On Wednesday, we will celebrate 100th day of school.
