Sunday, 3 June 2018

Who We Are: My Face

Week 6: Who We Are: My Face

Face parts play an important part in a child's cognitive and emotional development. Take a look at our activity this week as the students explored the parts of their face.


Play is an important part of children's learning and development. Here we are playing Simon Says.

Face Puzzle

Different faces, different expressions!

Complete the face using play doughs.

Bingo Face Game

Stick the nose

We guided our blindfolded friends to stick the nose using the words: up, down, left and right.

Morning Circle: 


In our Math lesson, we picked a number card and looked for the matching number log and counted the frogs accordingly.

Tracing number 3.

Snack and free-play:


This week, it's uppercase and lowercase letter Dd and its sound. D for Dinosaur.

Vocabulary words: daddy, dinosaur, dog, doll, door, and drum. 

Matching the uppercase and lowercase letter.

 Assessment ongoing! To be continued...

Morning and Afternoon Recess:


We did our usual warm-up stretching and went through our Floor Session Activity. New words for us this week, we learnt about "beside, first and last". We go over the PMP equipment like ladder, shapes, tire, cube box, rope, balls, and rhythm ball.

Testing their listening skills and attentiveness through play. It was fun to watch as the students jump when they hear the sound of the drum, walk when they hear the triangle and crawl when they hear the shaker.

Closing Circle:

Celebrating Miki's birthday.

Superstar of the week!