Dear Parents,
We had another full of fun and busy week with 100th day celebration. On Wednesday, we celebrated 100th day of the school, we cooked muffin and cookies which we had voted previously. In Inquiry, we focused on living things-plants, everybody planted their plants on their own flower pot. In Language, letter Mm was explored. In center time, children spent time with manipulators with their own way and supported their creativity. Please have fun with checking photos and videos below.
Inquiry 課題学習の時間
In Sharing the planet topic, this week, we focused on basic needs of living things (plants, animals and human) and discussed importance of sharing sources. We also discussed "Relationships among living things" topic with
Investigation 1: What do living things need (air, water, food and place)
Investigation 2: How the living things get the food they need (plants get from soil, human and animals get from nature such as plant and animal based articles)
Summative assessment: Planting activity
Question 1: Where is the place for our grass seed?
We used flower pot as a place
Q2: What is food for grass seed?
We used soil
Q3: How does grass seed drink water and breath?
Children give water to it and it breaths open air.
Children are watering their grasses daily and they will observe development of them.
質問1:猫草の種はどこに蒔けば育つの? ー クラスでは植木鉢を使いました
質問2:種が芽を出して育つには何を養分にすればよいの? - 土に種をまきました。
質問3:種はどのように水や酸素を吸うの? - みんながあげる水を吸い込んで空中から酸素を取り入れます
100th day of school celebration
We welcomed children with giant "I am 100 day smarter" banner at the entrance on Preschool 3's 100th day of school celebration. Then we decorated 100th day crown with stickers. Children wore them and attended school assembly in playroom. We sang counting songs together then we did 100 days exercise such as 10 stretching up, 10 jumping jacks and etc. We danced together and enjoyed. Then we returned our class and mixed ingredients to make doughs of muffin and cookies. During they were cooking, we met with preschool 4 at the outside and lay mats on the garden. We did picnic together at our lunch time. After nap time, we continued celebrations at Japanese lesson and ate yummy foods. We counted from 1 to 100 in Japanese with Ms Celine. Preschool 3 demonstrated they have been getting smarter day by day. We celebrate our parents' 100th day too.
Language Exploration 言語の学習
Last week, we focused on letter Mm,..
- We learned uppercase and lowercase Mm and sound. Mの大文字と小文字と発音の学習をしました。
- We practiced letter Mm writing. Mの書き方の練習をしました。
- We read letter Mm book together and we did coloring inside the book. Mの文字に関する本を一緒に読み、色ぬりをしました。
- We did letter Mm white board tracing and worksheet ホワイトボードやプリントを使ってMの文字をなぞって練習しました。
- Mm vocabulary: Moon, Mole, Monkey, Muffin, Marshmallow, Mouse, Mitten Mから始まる単語を学びました。
Children made Mole craft; they painted paper plate with green paint and they glued mole picture on it. "mole" (モグラ)の工作をしました。紙皿を緑の絵具で塗り、モグラの写真を張り付けました。
See you next week!