Dear parents, this week we had fire drill and we started a new topic in inquiry which was "How We Organize Ourselves." and we had lots of fun during PE lesson. Please have fun to look our pictures.
Fire Drill 火災避難訓練
While children were playing at garden, we did fire drill. They left playing when they heard alarm, they successfully followed orders. We practiced unpredictable disaster scenarios such as fire and earthquake. Even if we hope that we never experience disasters, emergency drills let children be ready.
How we organize ourselves
Our central idea was "People play different roles in the communities to which they belong"
Key concepts: Form. function, responsibility
Related concept: Community, rules, interaction
Lines of inquiry: Various communities that we belong to
Roles of people who are part of our communities
How communities are organized
This week, we examine meaning of community and what keeps community together.
Community is the people with common interests living in a particular area, such as preschool 3 members are here because of their age based study.
We mentioned the common rules of our school which are listening teachers, follow directions quickly, being respectful to ourselves and surrounding, being honest, caring safety of ourselves and others.
We focused on our class community and rules of our class such as doing clean up after lesson. Respect area and stuff of individuals. If we do not follow rules, classroom may easily astray to chaos. On Tuesday, after free choice, we didn't clean up and students started to complain because they couldn't find a space to sit at morning meeting. They couldn't find a place to eat during snack time and students decided to clean up. This was a short but effective experiment for us and they realized the importance of rules which stands for our life quality.
Next four weeks, we will continue to focus on firefighter, doctor, teacher and chef.
Language exploration,
Last week, we focused on letter Oo.
- We learned uppercase and lowercase Oo and sound. Oの大文字と小文字と発音の学習をしました。
- We practiced letter Oo writing. Oの書き方の練習をしました。
- We did letter Oo white board tracing and worksheet ホワイトボードやプリントを使ってOの文字をなぞって練習しました。
- Oo vocabulary: Owl, oval, orange, octopus, omelette etc. Oから始まる単語を学びました。
- Children made Owl craft: They cut outline of owl and pasted to background. Then they ripped construction paper to cover owl. They added eyes, wings and other parts to complete the craft. They did 80% of crafts by themselves and every craft was unique for its maker. 子供たちはフクロウの工作をしました。まず紙をフクロウの形に切り取り、台紙に貼り付けました。その後画用紙をちぎってフクロウの形の上にのりで貼っていき、目や翼などを付けて作品を完成させました。2割程度は教師が準備しましたが、残りの8割は子供たち自身で頑張って取り組み、それぞれにユニークな工作が完成しました。
Physical Education
This week, preschool 3 and preschool 2 worked on basic movements. We started with warm up and children followed obstacle course which were set up beforehand. Students to name shown equipment and they to demonstrate over, under, in and under it. Follow up activity using the concepts of over, under, in and out.
今週はプリスクール2と合同で基礎的な運動に取り組みました。準備体操から始めて障害物コースを何度かまわりました。まずは用具の上を飛び越えたり(over)、下をくぐったり(under)、穴を通り抜けたり(in / through)という動きを教師が説明した上で子供たちが実際に挑戦しました。
Play, learn and grow together.
Short video from PE class